
Dear STIKI student / student
in place
With respect,

In connection with Decree No: 049 / AKD.04 / STIKI / III / 2015 concerning Controlling the Number of Student Attendance, Implementation of Examination and Implementation of Trusteeship, together with this we inform STIKI students, that the deadline for payment of Fixed SPP Even Semester 2018/2019 dates January 18, 2019 as a condition to take part in the Even Semester 2018/2019 Trusteeship.

For students who make payments after a predetermined deadline, a fine of Rp. 250,000 / week. And if up to the deadline for the trusteeship has not made payment / submission of dispensation, then the student will automatically be “DECIDED” and still be subject to a fine of Rp. 750,000 / semester.

And for those who have made payments and have not submitted proof of payment, please immediately submit proof of payment to be validated, and for students who have made payments, please notify this notice.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Financial Administration Bureau – STIKI

Jl. Tidar No. 100 Malang – Tel. (0341) 560823, Fax. (0341) 562525